Tea party at Buckingham Palace

An authentic English five o'clock tea is not just a cup of hot tea with dessert, but an entire tradition framed by multiple reference conditions. And they are most strictly followed at court.
What time is five o'clock
Notwithstanding the telling name, the afternoon tea can be drunk by the royal family anytime between three and five o'clock in the afternoon.
What's the dress code
Can you imagine royalty sitting at a table in a frivolous dress or jeans? Definitely not. When it comes to Buckingham Palace, the tea party dress code suggests that ladies and gentlemen dress as if they are going to the theater (when the table is set indoors) or for a rank promenade in the garden (when the tea party is planned outdoors). The ladies always wear exquisite outfits: floor-length dresses, gloves and hats. The men are wearing suits and ties.
What to serve with tea
As we know, the idea of five o'clock originated because the Duchess Anne of Bedford, Queen Victoria's maid of honor, could hardly bear the time from early lunch to late dinner. However, having an unscheduled meal was considered improper. Afternoon tea was a real lifesaver for her, and subsequently for all distinguished ladies, because technically it is just a tea party, not a proper meal. To make the event look decent, it was the practice to serve gourmet but light snacks by five o'clock. Traditionally, they are laid out on a beautiful three-tiered platter. On an upper layer there are scones - small sweet buns that are customary to cut in half and smeared with butter or jam, sandwiches in the midsection, and desserts at the very bottom. All meals should be “one bite” treats.
How to start a tea party the right way
The English drink tea with milk, but which of these two ingredients should be poured into the cup first? If you want to follow the royal tea tradition, always fill your cup with tea followed by milk. This rule also has a historical explanation. Back in the early days of the tea era, porcelain was very expensive and could crack from contact with boiling water. That's why many people preferred to fill the cup with milk first - it protected the valuable tableware from damage. However, at the royal court and in the finest households of England, there was the porcelain of the highest quality, easily withstanding high temperatures. By pouring tea first, the titled individuals showed that in their house there was a place for only of superior quality items.
How many cups of tea is appropriate to drink
A genuine lady and her companion will never limit themselves to one cup of tea - it's considered poor manners and means they didn't like the treat. Three cups is also a sign of bad manners, speaking of the guest's lack of restraint. Tradition of the royal tea party prescribes to drink exactly two cups - an indication of respect and knowledge of proper manners.
How to behave at the table
Before the tea is served, all guests take large woven napkins from the table and spread them neatly on their laps.
The drink should be stirred gently back and forth without touching the cup walls. The English tea party is accompanied only by pleasant small talk.
In rarefied circles tea should be drunk carefully, without staining the cup with lipstick, i.e. touching it with the lips only in one spot.
It is traditional to hold the cup with two fingers, thumb and forefinger, without putting the little finger aside, and to lift only together with the saucer. To better remember the last rule, imagine that these two objects are glued together and cannot exist separately. Accordingly, the cup should also be handed to someone together with the saucer.
At the end of the tea party, the napkin is folded neatly and returned to the table.